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gossip girl 10 英文-第24部分

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?Maybe weshould ask Stefan for some iced coffee;? Serena suggested; ignoring her。 

?Yes; sound very good。? Ibiza nodded then strode slowly and deliberately to the umbrella…shaded 
table。 She pulled out one of the heavy wooden chairs and curled up on it oh…so…casually。 ?I call 
him。 Stefan! Stefan!? 

Serena held her breath; listening for the sound of approaching footsteps。 

?Now;? hissed Blair quietly。 

On cue; they jumped off of their lounges and took off running; giggling hysterically; over the 
plush velvety lawn and into the thicket of leafy trees on the perimeter of the large; sunny yard。 

?Look; look!? Serena ducked behind the leafy boughs of a baby oak; pointing at the scene they?d 
just fled: Stefan had appeared; as beckoned; clad in his usual ensemble of tight white tee and cargo 
shorts。 He was also sporting a cute little grosgrain ribbon headband to keep his thick hair out of 
his brown eyes; which were wide with shock。 Ibiza sat before him in all her bizarre 
pale…and…tanned polka…dottedness。 She stuck out her chest; trying to look sexy; but her oddly 
shaped boobs just pointed in different directions。 Svetlana had chosen just that minute to finally 
emerge from the pool; dripping wet。 She picked up her iPod; stuck in her headphones; and began 
to dance; flapping her pale; spindly arms。 She looked like an albino flamingo。 ?Ratfucker!? she 
sang loudly; totally misunderstanding the words to the latest Coldplay song。 

Serena and Blair laughed so hard they nearly peed them…selves。 Serena felt flushed and giggly; 
almost like a little kid again。 A very powerful wave of d?j? vu washed over her; and she was 
transported to a moment exactly like this one; only years ago; when they were much younger。 She 
and Blair were changing out of their one…piece Lands? End bathing suits behind some raspberry 
bushes at her house in Ridgefield; Connecticut。 Nate kept threatening to chase them; and they 
were giggling so hard they kept pricking themselves and sticking their feet into the wrong holes of 
their terrycloth shorts。 

 ?What the f??? 

Serena couldn?t believe her eyes?it was almost as if she?d conjured him。 Nate stood in front of 

them; his eye…brows furrowed; brushing the splinters off the seat of his khaki shorts after jumping 
the wooden fence between the two properties。 

?Natie!? Serena ran over and threw her arms around him; forgetting how pletely naked she 
was。 He hugged her back; awkwardly patting her bare shoulder。 She giggled and bounded back to 
Blair?s side; obscuring her privates with a leafy branch。 

Blair grinned devilishly。 It somehow seemed so right to run into Nate like this。 There was just 
something soobvious about the three of them together again; even if two…thirds of them weren?t 
wearing any clothes。 

?Strip; Nate!? Blair cried; running after him like she was going to pull down his cargo shorts。 He 
ducked behind an oak tree。 

?Skinny…dipping?? Nate asked; peeking out from behind the slim tree trunk。 

Serena smiled as she studied her old friend or boyfriend or whatever Nate was?she wasn?t even 
sure。 That confused expression; those sleepy; stoner green eyes?he hadn?t changed a bit。 But for 
once; Nate wasn?t looking back at her at all? he was staring; mouth agape; atBlair。 

?Naked is the new clothed;? Blair told him matter of factly。 She placed a hand on the fleshy 
curve of her hip。 ?Haven?t you heard?? 

Blair had known he was around here somewhere; of course; but she hadn?t expected him to 
findher。 Their whole relationship had always been about chasing him and trying to pin him 
down?she?d kind of wanted to just handcuff him to her bed; and not even in a dirty way; but just 
so she could keep track of him and make sure he wasn?t doing something idiotic。 But now he was 
here and he?d obviously e looking for them。 Or; judging by the way he was looking at her; 
he?d e looking forher。 

?Totally;? Serena confirmed; crossing her arms over her sun…dappled chest。 The fact that Nate 
wasn?t looking at her made her feel even more naked。 She?d never clamored for Nate?s attention; 
but she?d wanted it。 She?d always wanted it。 Just then Blair lunged for Serena?s elbow; yanking 
her in the general direction of Bailey Winter?s pool。 

?Wait; where are you going?? Nate stammered。 

Blair held tightly to Serena?s hand as they ran。 ?Get a good look!? she called behind them as 
they pranced up the flagstone path to the screen door。 ?And think about us tonight!? 

Don?t worry; he will。 


Announcing Inaugural Meeting; Song of Myself Literary Salon (Manhattan) 

Rejoice; righteous wordsmiths! We are pleased to announce a new and exclusive literary group in 
the grand tradition of the European salons of Gertrude Stein and Edith Sitwell。 

We are two humble servants of the written word: one a vaunted young poet and songwriter with a 
semi…international reputation; the other a reader and thinker who cherishes Wilde and Proust over 
all else。 We are looking for like…minded young men and women who love to read; write; and talk 
about reading and writing; and maybe drink a little Chianti or whatever。 Consider the following 
statements/questions。 We?ll read every response closely and then send invitations to our inaugural 
meeting to a carefully handpicked group of discerning New Yorkers。 

1。 Poetry deserves a more central role in the culture today。 There should be an American Poet 
Idol show。 Agree or disagree? 
2。 What is your favorite word? What is your least favorite word? Write a sentence using both at 
the same time。 Example: Mayhem。 Snack。 Sitting in the middle of the iridescent…brown cockroach 
mayhem; Bonita ate a snack of butterfly wings。 
Interested participants should attach a photograph。 We need to make sure you?re not 12。 Or 112。 

Looking forward to some inspiring conversation! (BYOB!) 

 n?s great escape 

?There you are!? 

Babs Michaels stood at the cheap Formica counter of her ramshackle kitchen; artfully arranging 
slices of cantaloupe on a plate of scrambled eggs and buttery toast。 Nate rubbed at his bloodshot 
eyes with the heel of his hand and yawned? for a second the sight of a very tanned woman 
preparing breakfast gave him a weird flashback to when he was a kid。 He used to stumble 
downstairs to the kitchen of his Upper East Side town house to find Cecille; his parents? 
Barbadian chef; preparing cinnamon wheat toast or a bowl of Irish oatmeal for him before he 
headed off to St。 Jude?s in the morning。 

But he wasn?t a kid; he didn?t have to go to school any…more; and Babs; in her tissue…thin pale 
purple robe; with her tight; leathery skin; was definitely not Cecille。 Besides; he?d already eaten 

two strawberry frosted Pop…Tarts at his house in Georgica Pond。 

?Morning;? Nate muttered; watching suspiciously as Babs set the loaded plate on the table; 
humming throatily。 

?You need a big breakfast today; don?t you; Nate? All that sweating and straining in the hot sun。? 
She sidled over to Nate; placing her cool hand on his right bicep; which was peeking out of his 
navy blue Ben Sherman polo。 

?R…r…right。? Nate pulled out of her determined grip; tak…ing a seat at the table。 Hewas kind of 
hungry; and the plate of scrambled eggs and lightly browned toast looked sort of tempting; but 
even in his early morning stupor; Nate could see where this was headed。 He?d start eating; Babs 
would pour him more orange juice she?d just made from the can; ask him to rub more ointment on 
her tattoo; then suggest that maybe they should take a soak together in the hot tub that Coach 
never stopped talking about。 And before he knew it; she?d handcuff him to her bed and rub the 
slimy leftover cantaloupe slices over his naked body or something。 

The way to a man?s heart is said to be through his stomach。 

The thought of being naked in bed with Babs made Nate pletely nauseated; but he could still 
feel a certain longing in the pit of his stomach。 It definitely wasn?t for Babs fluttering around in a 
purple nylon robe that was barely long enough to cover her half…fit; half…middle…aged…flabby ass; 
though。 It had more to do with the memory of Blair; wearing only the lightest sheen of sweat and 
lotion; grinning at him naughtily when he discovered her the day before in his extremely gay 
neighbor?s yard。 He?d seen her naked lots of times; but standing there in the broad daylight; her 
delicate shoulders a little browner that the rest of her; she?d never looked more beautiful。 He?d 
spotted the tiny familiar apple…shaped birthmark on her hip and had had to will himself not to grab 
her and kiss it。 

?What?s the matter; hon?? Babs wondered; stepping behind his chair and leaning over him so 
that her weirdly hard boobs were sort of rubbing against his upper back。 ?You?re not hungry this 

Bursting out of his chair as if he?d been electrocuted; Nate?s voice came out much more loudly 
than he?d planned: ?You know; I should; um; well; I need to make a telephone call。? 

 ?A phone call? 

?Yeah。? He blushed deeply。 ?Is that okay? I mean; can I have your permission? I know I?m 
technically on the job and all。? 

?You don?t needmy permission;? she whispered。 ?There?s nothing I would ever forbid you to do; 
Nate。Nothing。 ? 

?Thanks!? He practically sprinted out of the kitchen and onto the back deck。 Fumbling in the 
deep pocket of his cargo shorts for his Motorola Pebl; he started scrolling through his address 
book and quickly dialed the first entry: Anthony Avuldsen; his lacrosse teammate and the guy 
who?d already saved him once that summer; when he?d found him…self entangled in a plicated 
romance with a hot townie chick who?d turned out to be more trouble than she was worth。 

Don?t they all? 

Nate was on the verge of hanging up after five rings; when Anthony answered with a friendly; 
exaggerated shout。 ?Whassup?? 

?Dude。Where are you?? 

?On my way to the beach;? Anthony yelled over the car stereo; blasting AC/DC?s ?Back in Black? 
so loud that his phone shook。 ?Can you hang out?? 

Nate stared out at the small; shimmering; rectangular…shaped pool and the slightly overgrown 
lawn beyond it。 The idea of mowing that grass made him want to cry; the thought of turning 
around and going back into that house and getting molested by Babs made him want to hurl。 

Talk about a rock and a hard place。 

?Hang out;? Nate repeated slowly。 ?Yeah; let?s do that。 I?m at Coach?s place in the Bays。 Pick 
me up?? 

?Pick you up?? screamed Anthony。 ?Cool; yeah; what…ever。 Give me ten minutes。? 

Nate shoved the phone back into his pocket and inhaled deeply; steeling his nerves。 

?Everything okay?? Babs opened the sliding glass porch door and trotted outside。 Her purple 
robe had e undone and was hanging off her shoulders like a cape; revealing her plicated; 
lacy; animal…print underthings。 They reminded Nate of the kind of bathing suit his eccentric 
French now…dead grandmother had worn during a family trip to the Turks and Caicos when he was 
a kid。 

 Oh; how alluring! 

?I?m actually not feeling that well。? He wasn?t even lying; really; since the thought of what 
might happen if he didn
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