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gossip girl 10 英文-第11部分

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Wele to your new family; girls! 

truth?stranger than fiction after all 

?Turn your head now; just to the left a tiny centimeter。。。。 Another centimeter 。 。 。? Vanessa 
plied; turning her head slightly to the left to allow Bailey Winter an unfettered look at her 

?My goodness; isn?t that just yummy?? Bailey was talking to no one in particular as he scribbled 
furiously in his crocodile…bound sketchbook; wielding his pencil and turning the pages like a 
madman。 ?Yes; yes; Vanessa; my dear; this is it; you?ve really got it。 You give Giselle and Kate 
and those little chickadees a run for their money now; don?t you; dearest? Mmmm!? 

Only half…listening and unsure who Giselle and Kate were anyway; Vanessa fiddled with the 
camera that was perched on her lap like a kitten。 She was reclining on a long stone divan laden 
with enough pillows and fur throws to actually make it pretty fortable; but hot for a July 
after…noon; with a nice; clear view of the pool。 She watched Chuck Bass frolicking in the shallow 
end; clad only in a floral…print European…style bathing suit that left nothing to the imagination; 
while his monkey perched on the diving board; eating a bowlful of grapes。 

 How erotic。 

She wasn?t supposed to fiddle too much; so she couldn?t study the shot through the viewfinder; 
but she was confident it was all cinematic gold: there was Chuck wading through the waist…high 
water; chattering into his Bluetooth headset with Sweetie chomping in the background。 Behind 
him; Stefan; the skinny houseboy; was sweeping the flagstone path that led from the tennis courts 
to the main residence; trying not to accidentally whack the five overindulged pugs that were 
angrily attacking the broom。 Every so often; she slid the camera across her lap to face Bailey 
Winter himself; who was wearing a vintage boy?s khaki suit?short pants and all?that he?d had 
remade to acmodate his girth。 It was the raw material for a jaw…dropping documentary。 

?Don?t fiddle too much; darling;? clucked Bailey disap…provingly。 

Vanessa smiled placidly and turned her camera back to the action in the pool。 As she sat still like 
that; her mind drifted idly over the whirlwind of the past couple of weeks。 She?d gone from 
Hollywood player to friendless Hamptons servant to kept woman。 It was all pretty exciting; in a 
way; but the thing was; she missed having someone to share it with。 

 Vanessa surprised herself when she realized that she wasn?t just staring idly into space: she was 
admiring Chuck Bass?s perfectly toned torso; the little ripple in his muscles as he ran his fingers 
through his damp…but…still…perfectly…mussed dark locks。 Forgetting for a minute everything she 
knew about the guy; every interaction she?d ever had with him; and every grody rumor she?d tried 
to ignore; she kind of wanted to reach out and 。 。 。 touch him。 She licked her lips involuntarily。 

?That?s it!? Bailey Winter threw his pencil into the nearby swimming pool; then grabbed 
another。 ?You look amazing。You look satisfied and hungry all at once。 Like you?re ready for 
dessert; even though you?ve just had the yummiest meal ever!? 

Vanessa blushed; embarrassed; and then reminded her…self she wasn?t admiring Chuck Bass; 
necessarily; just his various physical attributes。 The truth was; her type was a little skinnier and 
paler than Chuck。 The thought of Dan suddenly tugged the corners of her mouth down。 

?Chin up; dear! Where?s that smile gone?? Bailey Winter clapped his hands once; twice; three 
times; like a demented cheerleader。 

 Vanessa tried to will a smile onto her face; but somehow the thought of Dan had tainted 
everything。 She missed him。 And Chuck Bass?s beefy chest was no substitute for love。 Vanessa 
sighed; panning the camera around the property?s emerald green lawn。 Once again; all she really 
had was her art。 

She trained the camera back on Chuck; who was now leaning up against the edge of the pool 
chatting with Stefan。 Sweetie bobbed up and down behind him; teasing the pugs; which were 
barking angrily。 

?Girls! Please! Quiet down!? Bailey stuck his fingers in his mouth and gave a shrill; surprisingly 
loud whistle。 ?Daddy is working! I can?t concentrate with all this racket!? 

?Sorry; Bailey。? Chuck turned and grinned over his shoulder。 ?I?ll try and make sure Sweetie 
doesn?t bother them。? 

?What is that plague…ridden monster doing in my swimming pool anyway?? Bailey screeched; 
his skin turning from bronze to scarlet。 

Vanessa focused her camera on the other side of the pool; and it was immediately clear to her 
what that plague…ridden animal was doing: Bailey?s discarded pencil wasn?t the only thing 
floating on the pool?s surface。 

?Tell me that is not what I think it is!? Bailey was definitely screaming now。 

?I?m sorry; Bailey。? Chuck waded toward the offending turd。 ?Sweetie can?t control himself 

?Get out! Get out! I will not have you turn my sanctum sanctorum into some kind of sewer! This 
is East Hampton; not Calcutta!? 

Vanessa pushed herself up from the divan; using both hands to steady the camera as she zoomed 
in quickly。 This was a cinematicgold mine。 

Yeah; or a land mine。 


Air Mail … Par Avion … July 12 

 Dear Jenny;

 I?m gay。



 back in time 

?We?re h…o…o…o…o…o…me!? Serena?s voice echoed through the foyer and deep into her parents? 
apartment; which she knew; as soon as she pushed the door open; was empty。 It had that dark; 
quiet; cold quality of a home without anyone inside it; which was hardly surprising; since her 
parents spent more time out of the country than they did curled up on the couch。 She wasn?t even 
sure when she?d last seen them on the couch。 

?God; I have to pee。? Blair shoved past her and into the apartment; turning on lights as she 
went?the landscape of Serena?s penthouse apartment was as familiar to her as that of her own 
home。 She disappeared down the gallery hallway; making a beeline for Serena?s bedroom。 Nate 
shuffled in behind them; closing the door a little too noisily。 The slam magnified in the eerily quiet 

?Sorry。? He shot Serena a crooked smile。 

?It?s okay。? Serena tossed her keys onto the mahogany console table; where they landed with a 
clatter。 ?Let?s find something to eat。? She led Nate into the apartment and through the kitchen?s 
swinging door。 

Peering into the nearly barren Sub…Zero; Serena considered their options。 ?We?ve got some 
olives;? she announced。 ?A bag of baby carrots。 I think there?s some cheese。You can probably find 
some crackers or something somewhere。 I don?t know where the new maid keeps everything。? 

Itis so hard to find good help。 

?I?ll take care of it。? Nate charged over to the pantry and started plundering it; removing jars and 
containers and setting them on the travertine counter with a bang。 

?I?ll load up on supplies; I guess。?The whole reason they?d e back to the van der Woodsen 
apartment was to crash before they embarked on a road trip to find theCharlotte; and to stock up 
on the essentials: clothes and booze。 

Serena made her way to the liquor cabinet that her parents had never had the foresight to lock; 
placing bottles of Grey Goose; Hendrick?s; Havana Club; and Patr?n into her Herm?s tote。 There 
was something about raiding her parents? stash while Nate and Blair puttered around her house 
that reminded Serena of days long past。 Nothing had changed and yet everything had。 That 
thought made her unexpectedly sad。 

We all get a little moody around our birthdays。 

Serena padded into her father?s library and slunk into his swiveling Aeron chair。 She grabbed the 
telephone from his desk and dialed one of the few telephone numbers she?d ever memorized。 

?Hello?? Her brother Erik?s voice sounded very suspicious。 It was six o?clock in the morning; 
after all。 

?It?s me。? Serena leaned back; placing her bare feet on her dad?s old mahogany desk。 

?Shit; Serena。 Came up as the home number?was worried for a minute。? Her brother laughed。 

?They?re not here。? She studied the book…lined walls; examining the framed family photos of 
Erik playing tennis; of Serena astride a black horse; of her tanned parents sipping 
Campari…and…sodas at an outdoor caf? on the Amalfi coast。 ?Wimbledon;? Serena and her brother 
said in unison。 

?They?re so damn predictable。? Erik scoffed。 ?What are you doing home; anyway?? 

?Just planning a little summer getaway。 Thought I?d give my brother a call。 And where are you 

?Connecticut;? Erik told her。 ?I thought Dad might be calling to say they were ing out。? 

Serena glanced through the French doors into the living room; where Nate was chasing Blair 
around a buttoned…leather ottoman; trying to stick cornichons in her ears。 ?We?re taking a road 
trip;? Serena told him。 ?You want to e? We?ve got room in the car for one more。? 

And maybe she didn?t feel like being the third wheel? 

?Tempting。 But I?m kind of digging it up here。 How about a pit stop in Ridgefield instead?? 

She did some quick mental planning?they could crash here today; then head out tomorrow 
morning。 Then maybe she could convince Blair and Nate to spend a night in Ridgefield; and 
hopefully someone would realize that the next day was her birthday。 ?I think we can arrange that。? 

Serena said goodbye to her bother; replacing the phone on her dad?s desk。 She glanced toward 
the closet; wondering idly if her parents had stashed a surprise birthday present for her somewhere 
in the apartment。 

Aren?t surprises always the most fun? 

Blair yawned?the kind of deep yawn you feel all through your body?and ran Serena?s Mason 
Pearson brush through her hair roughly。 She?d never been one of those 
one…thousand…strokes…of…the…brush…before…bed types but still; it couldn?t hurt。 It was only eight 
o?clock in the morning and the sun was streaming in through the window; but it seemed like years; 
not hours; since she?d had a proper night?s sleep。 

?I can?t believe I?m so tired。? Serena collapsed onto the wide plain of her bed; arms and legs 
stretched out around her。 

?Yeah。? Nate hesitated at the foot of the bed; glancing at Blair; who was standing by the mirror; 
and then down at Serena; lying prone in front of him。 

?I?m done。? Serena unbuttoned her jeans and wiggled out of them without standing up。 ?I can?t 
even get under the blankets。? 

Blair glanced at Serena?s long; tapered legs and then at Nate looking at those same legs。 She felt 
a familiar pang of jealousy inside her chest。 She?d loved and been jealous of Serena for as long as 
she?d known her; which was pretty much forever。 But things were finally different。 The year had 
been filled with so many ups and downs; but it was finally summer; they were going to Yale 
together in the fall; and they had the rest of their lives as best friends ahead of them。 And she had 
Nate; right here; right now; right in front of her。 

Nowwho?s forgetting about someone? 

Blair slipped her borrowed pale pink Lacoste polo over her head and then reached up her back to 
unclasp her bra; which she let fall to the ground casually。 ?Nate; can I sleep in your shirt?? she
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