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gossip girl 10 英文-第12部分

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unclasp her bra; which she let fall to the ground casually。 ?Nate; can I sleep in your shirt?? she 
asked shyly。 

?Course。? Nate nodded eagerly; trying to look away。 He pulled his cotton tee off and tossed it to 

She pulled it over her head; pausing inside the darkness of it to breathe in his overwhelming 
scent: his armpits and his laundry detergent; a hint of pot smoke and toothpaste。 

Good enough to eat。 

By the time she popped her head through the head hole in the still…warm T…shirt; Nate had kicked 
off his khakis and crashed out on the bed next to Serena in a pair of funny palm…tree…printed boxer 
shorts that Blair was pretty sure had been a present from her。 

She switched off the bedroom?s overhead light。 The morning summer sun was pouring through 
the bedroom window; illuminating the bodies of her friends。 She walked over to the foot of the 
bed; then carefully wedged herself between Serena; who was already sleeping; her breaths long 
and muted; like a baby?s; and an almost…naked Nate。 

??Night;? Nate whispered。 

??Night;? she quietly repeated。 Her heart pounding in her ears; Blair suddenly felt wide awake。 
She studied the delicately molded and crenellated panels of Serena?s ceiling as she listened to the 
light snore of her best friend and tried to ignore the soft skin of her other best friend?the only guy 
she had ever really loved?whose arm was grazing hers ever so slightly。 How was sheever going to 
fall asleep? 

Then she felt fingers trailing down her arm; so delicately it tickled。 Nate?s hand slid down over 
her wrist; then slipped into her palm; giving it a gentle squeeze。 

Letting out a sigh; it felt like she was breathing out something she didn?t even know was inside 
of her。 The frustration; the jealousy; the worry over what would happen next。 She turned to look at 
him; but his eyes were closed; and soon hers were too。 And that?s how they slept; for the rest of 
the day and into the night。 

ABC Amber LIT Converter v2。02 

 hey people! 

You know who I?ve always felt kind of sorry for? Those kids with summer birthdays。 They never 
got to have ice cream parties at Serendipity because all their friends were away at camp or whiling 
away the season in Amagansett。 They never got to bring pastel…buttercream…frosted Magnolia 
cupcakes for the whole class to enjoy。 They never got to have the coveted tea party at the Plaza 

with all their best girlfriends。 All because they just happened to be born during the three months of 
the year when the last thing any…one wants to think about is anyone but themselves。 We don?t 
mean to be so selfish; it?s just 。 。 。 in the air。 But that doesn?t mean we don?t feel bad about it。 
Really。 So this one?s for you; birthday girls。 。 。 。 

Top three ways to say; I?m so sorry I missed your birthday while I was making out with my 
unbelievably hot summer fling: 

1) Take her to Barneys and let her use your credit card for as many minutes as she is old。 When 
your mom gets the bill; take the rap; because that?s what friends are for。 

2) Apologize for being more interested in your summer romance than in her rite of passage; and 
invite her to join you and your new beau on a double date with his slightly cross…eyed but 
almost…as…cute younger brother。 

3) It?s summer; remember; so full…body maintenance is more important than usual。 Splurge on a 
full…on Bliss spa experience (not just some lame gift…from…great…aunt…Susie mani…pedi bo; 
please) so your best pal can be as tanned; hairless; and pampered as you already are。 

 your e…mail 
Dear GG; 
I?m worried that I might be turning gay。 Do you know if there are warning signs? 
?Blue Boy 
Dear BB; 
Warning signs aplenty: 
1) You refer to things as ?fabulous? or ?genius? and have used the wordswish in the last 
twenty…four hours。 
2) Your best friend is a heavy girl with an interest in the theater。 
3) Your ringtone is a Gwen Stefani song。 
4) When the weather turns warm; you?d rather watch the shirtless skater boys than the topless 
sunbathers in Sheep Meadow。 
5) You write to a wise authority because you want her to break the news you already know but just 
can?t admit: you?re gay。 It?s okay! Love life。 Love boys。 Love yourself。 

Dear GG; 
Not actually a letter so much as an announcement: I?m planning a big blowout at my country 
place in celebration of my little sister?s eighteenth。 So if you?re going to be in Connecticut or are 
down for a road trip; make sure you look up your old friends who summer in that great state。 If 
I?m one of them; you?re totally on the guest list。 
?Pool Party in Connecticut 
Dear PP in C; 
Connecticut?s a bit outside my usual party radius; but I suppose getting there is half the fun?after 
all; the road trip is a great American tradition。 The wind in your hair; the hot sun on the pavement; 
the freedom of going whichever direction you choose?sentiments most memorably captured by 
Jack Kerouac inOn the Road。 Although honestly; all I remember from that book was lots of drugs 
and lots of randomness。 Talk about following the yellow brick road! But if your ?blowout? is as 
big as promised; I?m psyched to see your Emerald City。 Did that sound as dirty as I think it did? 
Oops。 Anyway; consider the party announced! 
Dear GG; 
I?m totally miserable because my parents say I have to get a job this summer。 But then I was 
thinking about it; and I realized working doesn?t have to suck?youhave the coolest job ever! So I 
was wondering; do you take interns? 
?Please Hire Me! 
Dear PHM; 
Thanks for the flattery; and trust me; you?re not wrong?thisis the coolest job in the world。 
Although the truth is; I really don?t think of it as a job; but rather as a public service。 Sort of like 
being a superhero: Bat Girl; Super Girl; Gossip Girl 。 。 。 You get the picture。 Sadly; though; there?s 
only room for one Gossip Girl at this iBook。 Good luck finding an internship elsewhere! I 
hearVogue is hiring custodial specialists。 。 。 。 Just kidding。 

bills; bills; bills 

That last e…mail got me thinking about how for an unfortunate few of you; the term ?summer job? 
is not just a phenomenon seen in the movies but a day…to…day reality。 My heart goes out to you; 
seriously。 But it?s notall bad。 Here are some positive points to bear in mind when you?re punching 
the time clock: 

1) The best way to meet people is at work; whether it?s a cute coworker or a cute customer。 
(Anybody remember howD first came across yoga girl? Let me tell you; it wasn?t by wandering 
into a Bikram class。 。 。 。) 

2) What better way to learn the value of a hard day?s work and feel the satisfaction of earning 
your money? Ha! Are they still telling those lies? 

3) I hear hard labor burns a ton of calories! 

So to PHM; keep your chin up; and keep on plugging! That?s all for now; dears。 This little 
worker bee needs to refresh her makeup; recharge her laptop battery; and pack up for a little road 
trip。 。 。 。 

You know you love me。 
gossip girl 

d; hot and bothered again 

?Davey; Humphrey; Bogart; whatever your name is; speed it up。? 

All the managers at the Strand had the same authoritative bark that never failed to make Dan 
stand up a little straighter。 He looked left and right but couldn?t tell where the mand had e 

?You waiting for an engraved invitation; madam?? Phil; a balding; failed Ph。D。 candidate who 
loved to make the afternoon shifts hell; popped his head around an old rusty metal shelf。 

?Asshole;? Dan muttered as he pushed the groaning cart of to…be…shelved books。 

 Sensitive much? 

The cracked rubber wheels squeaked and clacked as Dan pushed the rickety cart down the long; 
narrow aisle; past the outdated travel guides。 He took a deep breath; immersing himself in the 
familiar rhythm of picking up a book; determining the last name of the author; and locating its spot 
on the shelf。 It was a sure way to let his subconscious speak to him: 


Hairy kiss?burn my chin 

The sick taste of absinthe in my throat 

Deep in my gullet; sore lips and 

Punches in the gut 

Blind corners turned and now I am nowhere。。。。 


His poetic free association was interrupted when an over…size book slipped off his cart。 He bent 
over to pick it up; reading the title:Everything You?ve Always Wanted to Know (Go Ahead; Admit 
It!) About Gay Sex by Melvin Lloyd and Dr。 Stephen Furman。 

The line drawing on the glossy cover showed two male forms embracing chastely。 Like brothers。 
Or baseball players after a game。 Totally normal。 Glancing around to see if any…one was near?as 
usual; no one was interested in the travel guides to New Zealand published in the 1970s?Dan 
opened the book; whistling all casual…like。

 Nice try。 

The slick pages slipped through his fingers; revealing more line drawings of two muscular 
fellows in various embraces; arms and tongues positioned here and there。 There were a number of 
bullet points and lists of dos and don?ts。 He skimmed the book; heart pounding; taking in only 
snatches of phrases like ?Insert your tongue? and ?Some partners find the use of an elbow helpful? 
and ?Remember to brush your teeth。? 

Pausing again to make sure that he was alone; Dan skipped ahead to the back of the book; where 
the heavier paper stock meant only one thing: photographs。 And there they were; in full…color 
glory: two men; performing what at first glance looked like a gymnastic routine。 

Dan?s throat suddenly felt very dry。 He slammed the book shut and stuffed it on the very bottom 
of his pile。 He?d never needed a cigarette this badly in his life。 

 Breathe; breathe。 

Shaking slightly; Dan inhaled deeply on a beloved Camel and stepped away from the Strand。 He 
needed a walk to purge his mind of the mental images of those two thick…necked wrestler types in 
unimaginable poses。 Not that he had any kind of problem with gay people; of course。They?re here; 
they?re queer; it?s awesome。 But there were some things that people just weren?t meant to do with 

their bodies。 Like running。 And yoga。 And 。 。 。 whatever it was you called the thing he had just 
seen depicted in that book。 

Yoga。 He?d had a brush with that stuff?that was the closest he?d e to contorting his body into 
a shape resembling what the guys in the book were doing; and he was not eager to get into that 
particular position again anytime soon。 The only reason he?d bothered with yoga in the first place 
had been for a girl。 He?d been so crazed over Bree he?d experimented with all kinds of insane 
things: yoga; running; organic fruit juice。 Maybe the same thing was happening with Greg? He?d 
never really met anyone who loved books as much as he did。 Maybe he was just getting 
everything all mixed up? Maybe it was just like his dad had said and he was just transferring his 
passion for books onto their friendship? 

Yup?like quasi…gay father; like quasi…gay son。 

Dodging the summer tourist sidewalk traffic; Dan stubbed out his cigarette and stuffed his hands 
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